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Coffee Influencers You Should Follow

Coffee Influencers You Should Follow

Coffee culture is weaving its way into more and more homes, especially during these times. Media consumption is at an all-time high, and the rise of the “coffee influencer” is expanding its reach to cater to those who want to stay updated with industry news, bean and equipment reviews, or tips on how to make a better cup!

If you’re a budding home barista, or someone who just wants to be updated with everything and anything coffee-related, we’ve listed down several coffee professionals who are definitely worth your Like and Subscribe. Check them out!

James Hoffmann

James Hoffmann / Youtube

James Hoffmann is the 2007 World Barista Champion, co-founder of Square Mile Coffee Roasters in the U.K., and author of The World Atlas for Coffee—definitely no stranger to the coffee scene.

In just three years, his YouTube channel has amassed a wide range of content that appeals to both the budding brewer and the seasoned barista. Even someone with just a sliver of interest about coffee is bound to find something informative or entertaining on his YouTube channel.

Come for: Product Reviews, Recipes, Tutorials and Guides, Coffee Trends

Junichi Yamaguchi

@junichi_yamaguchi / Instagram

Love latte art? Then @junichi_yamaguchi is the man to follow on the ‘gram.

Junichi Yamaguchi has seen much success in the realm of visual coffee art, winning the Coffee Fest Latte Art Championship in 2014. If the Ballerina pattern is your favourite form of latte art, then you have Junichi to thank for popularising it.

Bless your Instagram feed with beautifully-poured cups, mouthwatering canelé photos, and café life at Junichi’s The reverence to this marriage of coffee and art is evident in every well-composed (and perfectly-poured) photo.

Come for: Latte Art, Design Inspiration

Scott Rao

Scott RaoScott Rao /

Scott Rao is one of the most influential coffee thinkers in the industry. His books and classes have inspired many to look past the old and dusted rules of coffee-making, in favour of an approach that involves mixing technical concepts with practical application.

While he is better known as a consultant for café and roasting businesses, his blog contains insightful nuggets of coffee wisdom about brewing and roasting for the advanced learner.

Come for: Coffee Roasting Tips, Brewing Concepts, Industry News

Gail Williams

Seattle Coffee Gear / Youtube

Everyone has their favourite auntie, and Gail Williams is ours.

Getting into home espresso could be daunting, but Gail breaks that wall down with her undeniable charm and humour that she sprinkles in every Seattle Coffee Gear review. You don’t have to be in the market for an espresso machine. These videos are informative, entertaining, and wholesome at best.

Sadly, Gail recently retired from her role, but she has left a decade’s worth of content that will undoubtedly be enjoyed for years and generations to come.

Come for: Espresso Machine Reviews, How-tos, Coffee Q&As

This may only be a handful of personalities who've influenced and inspired the coffee scene with their valuable contributions and insights. We are sure there are many others out there, and we'd like to know who your favourites are in the comments section below!

Words by Jon Choi @theheadbean

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